“The here and now is
the most direct thing there is.”

Contemporary Music

First encoun­ters with New Music as a mem­ber of the Junge Deutsche Phil­har­monie sparked Tonia Solle’s interest in this field.

She col­lab­or­ated with com­posers such as Helmut Lachenmann, Jörg Widmann, Rebecca Saunders, Enno Poppe, Adriana Hölsky, and Wolfgang Rihm. She has been and can be heard with Ensemble MusikFabrik Cologne, Ensemble Zeitfluss, and Schallfeld Ensemble.

“The here and now is
the most direct thing there is.”

Contemporary Music

First encoun­ters with New Music as a mem­ber of the Junge Deutsche Phil­har­monie sparked Tonia Solle’s interest in this field.

She col­lab­or­ated with com­posers such as Helmut Lachenmann, Jörg Widmann, Rebecca Saunders, Enno Poppe, Adriana Hölsky, and Wolfgang Rihm. She has been and can be heard with Ensemble MusikFabrik Cologne, Ensemble Zeitfluss, and Schallfeld Ensemble.

“The here and now is
the most direct thing there is.”

Contemporary Music

First encoun­ters with New Music as a mem­ber of the Junge Deutsche Phil­har­monie sparked Tonia Solle’s interest in this field.

She col­lab­or­ated with com­posers such as Helmut Lachenmann, Jörg Widmann, Rebecca Saunders, Enno Poppe, Adriana Hölsky, and Wolfgang Rihm. She has been and can be heard with Ensemble MusikFabrik Cologne, Ensemble Zeitfluss, and Schallfeld Ensemble.