“The bassoon is
as versatile as life itself,
it shines in all colors.”


Tonia Solle comes from Ger­many and began her music­al edu­ca­tion early, learn­ing to play the record­er and the piano. At the age of 13, she dis­covered the bas­soon. Her career took off with first prizes at youth com­pet­i­tions.

From 2013 to 2018, she served as the prin­cip­al bas­soon­ist of the Grazer Philharmoniker at the Graz Opera. Pri­or to that, she worked as the assist­ant prin­cip­al bas­soon­ist at the Nation­al Theat­er Mannheim.

She laid the found­a­tion of her bas­soon edu­ca­tion under the guid­ance of Prof. Alfred Rinder­spach­er and Prof. Stefan Sch­wei­gert. After earn­ing her dip­loma, she pur­sued post­gradu­ate stud­ies at the Moz­ar­teum Salzburg with Prof. Marco Post­inghel, ulti­mately com­plet­ing her stud­ies in the mas­ter class of Prof. Eber­hard Marschall at the Uni­ver­sity of Music and Theat­er in Munich.

She received schol­ar­ships from the Stud­i­en­stif­tung des Deutschen Volkes, the Zukunfts­initiative Rhein­land Pfalz, and Villa Musica.

As a soloist, she has per­formed in Ger­many, Italy, and Aus­tria, and has been fea­tured at the Salzburg Moz­art Week and in numer­ous radio broad­casts. She has col­lab­or­ated with con­duct­ors such as Julien Salemkour, Dennis Russel Davies, and Hansjörg Albrecht.

She gained orches­tral exper­i­ence as an academy mem­ber with the Munich Phil­har­mon­ic and as an intern with the Duis­burg Phil­har­mon­ic at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein.

She has played and con­tin­ues to play with the WDR, SWR, and BR Radio Orches­tras, the Nieder­ös­ter­reichisches Tonkünst­ler-Orchester, recreation Großes Orchester Graz, the Munich Cham­ber Orches­tra, the Bre­men Cham­ber Phil­har­mon­ic, the Bav­ari­an State Opera, the Gürzenich Orches­tra Cologne, among oth­ers.

As a spe­cial­ist in his­tor­ic­al per­form­ance prac­tice, she can be heard both in Ger­many and abroad, per­form­ing on peri­od instru­ments. She also ded­ic­ates her­self with great interest to con­tem­por­ary music.

“The bassoon is
as versatile as life itself,
it shines in all colors.”


Tonia Solle comes from Ger­many and began her music­al edu­ca­tion early, learn­ing to play the record­er and the piano. At the age of 13, she dis­covered the bas­soon. Her career took off with first prizes at youth com­pet­i­tions.

From 2013 to 2018, she served as the prin­cip­al bas­soon­ist of the Grazer Philharmoniker at the Graz Opera. Pri­or to that, she worked as the assist­ant prin­cip­al bas­soon­ist at the Nation­al Theat­er Mannheim.

She laid the found­a­tion of her bas­soon edu­ca­tion under the guid­ance of Prof. Alfred Rinder­spach­er and Prof. Stefan Sch­wei­gert. After earn­ing her dip­loma, she pur­sued post­gradu­ate stud­ies at the Moz­ar­teum Salzburg with Prof. Marco Post­inghel, ulti­mately com­plet­ing her stud­ies in the mas­ter class of Prof. Eber­hard Marschall at the Uni­ver­sity of Music and Theat­er in Munich.

She received schol­ar­ships from the Stud­i­en­stif­tung des Deutschen Volkes, the Zukunfts­initiative Rhein­land Pfalz, and Villa Musica.

As a soloist, she has per­formed in Ger­many, Italy, and Aus­tria, and has been fea­tured at the Salzburg Moz­art Week and in numer­ous radio broad­casts. She has col­lab­or­ated with con­duct­ors such as Julien Salemkour, Dennis Russel Davies, and Hansjörg Albrecht.

She gained orches­tral exper­i­ence as an academy mem­ber with the Munich Phil­har­mon­ic and as an intern with the Duis­burg Phil­har­mon­ic at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein.

She has played and con­tin­ues to play with the WDR, SWR, and BR Radio Orches­tras, the Nieder­ös­ter­reichisches Tonkünst­ler-Orchester, recreation Großes Orchester Graz, the Munich Cham­ber Orches­tra, the Bre­men Cham­ber Phil­har­mon­ic, the Bav­ari­an State Opera, the Gürzenich Orches­tra Cologne, among oth­ers.

As a spe­cial­ist in his­tor­ic­al per­form­ance prac­tice, she can be heard both in Ger­many and abroad, per­form­ing on peri­od instru­ments. She also ded­ic­ates her­self with great interest to con­tem­por­ary music.

“The bassoon is as versatile as life itself, it shines in all colors.”


Tonia Solle comes from Ger­many and began her music­al edu­ca­tion early, learn­ing to play the record­er and the piano. At the age of 13, she dis­covered the bas­soon. Her career took off with first prizes at youth com­pet­i­tions.

From 2013 to 2018, she served as the prin­cip­al bas­soon­ist of the Grazer Philharmoniker at the Graz Opera. Pri­or to that, she worked as the assist­ant prin­cip­al bas­soon­ist at the Nation­al Theat­er Mannheim.

She laid the found­a­tion of her bas­soon edu­ca­tion under the guid­ance of Prof. Alfred Rinder­spach­er and Prof. Stefan Sch­wei­gert. After earn­ing her dip­loma, she pur­sued post­gradu­ate stud­ies at the Moz­ar­teum Salzburg with Prof. Marco Post­inghel, ulti­mately com­plet­ing her stud­ies in the mas­ter class of Prof. Eber­hard Marschall at the Uni­ver­sity of Music and Theat­er in Munich.

She received schol­ar­ships from the Stud­i­en­stif­tung des Deutschen Volkes, the Zukunfts­initiative Rhein­land Pfalz, and Villa Musica.

As a soloist, she has per­formed in Ger­many, Italy, and Aus­tria, and has been fea­tured at the Salzburg Moz­art Week and in numer­ous radio broad­casts. She has col­lab­or­ated with con­duct­ors such as Julien Salemkour, Dennis Russel Davies, and Hansjörg Albrecht.

She gained orches­tral exper­i­ence as an academy mem­ber with the Munich Phil­har­mon­ic and as an intern with the Duis­burg Phil­har­mon­ic at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein.

She has played and con­tin­ues to play with the WDR, SWR, and BR Radio Orches­tras, the Nieder­ös­ter­reichisches Tonkünst­ler-Orchester, recreation Großes Orchester Graz, the Munich Cham­ber Orches­tra, the Bre­men Cham­ber Phil­har­mon­ic, the Bav­ari­an State Opera, the Gürzenich Orches­tra Cologne, among oth­ers.

As a spe­cial­ist in his­tor­ic­al per­form­ance prac­tice, she can be heard both in Ger­many and abroad, per­form­ing on peri­od instru­ments. She also ded­ic­ates her­self with great interest to con­tem­por­ary music.